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Разработка урока английского языка "Christmas Around the World"
Разработка урока английского языка.
Учитель: Ананьева Оксана Николаевна.
КГУ «Средняя школа №7» акимата г.Усть-Каменогорска

The Plan of the English Lesson.
Theme: « Christmas Around the World »
Grade level: 8
Aims: 1. To enrich student’ knowledge about Christmas; to develop students’
ability to take foreign-language text as a source of information;
2. To develop students’ skills in speaking, listening, reading.
3. To educate the feelings of international friendship, tolerance and respect
for the culture and traditions of other countries;
Equipment and visual aids: computers, overhead projector, the screen, the PowerPoint presentation, the board, Internet resources, route sheets.
Type of the lesson: Revision and getting new information.
Interaction: Geography, History.
I. Organization Stage. Greeting. Declaration of the objectives of the lesson.
1.-What date is it today? – Yes, today is the 22-nd of December.
You know that in 3 days on the 25-th of December all European countries will celebrate Christmas.
Today we’ll speak about this wonderful holiday. We’ll check what you know and what you can do.
Christmas is one of the most important holidays in many European countries. Long before December 25, people begin to prepare for it. If we look in Internet, we can see that there are a lot of sites devoted to this holiday. Here you can learn all about Christmas: the history, traditions, how celebrate this holiday in many countries around the world. Note the addresses of sites and write them down. (Christmasx. info, Santatimes. com, Santas. net, merry-christmas. com, mymerrychristam. com). During our lesson, we'll work on some of these sites to learn something new and interesting. Route sheets will help you in this journey. All the marks that you receive will be automatically recorded in an electronic journal. In addition, on your tables there are sheets with the words and expressions that we need during the lesson.
II. Phonetic practice.
Let’s remember what people say when they congratulate each other on this holiday.
---Merry Christmas!
---Now, let’s congratulate and wish something good to each other. We’ll use the phrase "I wish you…”
We’ll work in chain. I’ll start.
---Merry Christmas, I wish you to be good at English. ………
--- But we don’t only congratulate, we also give presents to each other.
---Do you like to get gifts for Christmas?
-- I’d like to know, what would you like to get for Christmas?
III. Monologue.
I know that everybody of you have got a virtual friend, who lives in one of the European countries. I’d like to know how your friend celebrates Christmas.
Please, ask your friend the same questions about this holiday and tell us about it.
(Internet Explorer→ http : // www. tolearnenglish.com/→ club→ chat rooms (robots).
IV. Grammar.
---I think that when you were younger you wrote letters to Ded Moroz and asked him to get you gifts. European children write letters to Santa Claus. One little boy also wrote a letter, but he made some grammar mistakes. Your task is: read the letter and correct these mistakes.
V. Comprehension.
--I think that you know a lot about this holiday. But there are some more facts about Christmas. The main fact is that this holiday is religious. People started to celebrate Jesus Christ’s birthday on this day. Your task is: listen to the text and then you’ll do the test.
--But first of all, look at your papers. There are some words and word combinations that you need during listening to the text.
--And now listen to the text.
VI. Test.
- And now I’d like to check your knowledge of the text. Do the test (it is on the screens of the computers).
VII. Reading.
Now you know some facts about the history of Christmas. And now let’s read a story about the traditions of Christmas. You'll be working on the site. You should carefully read the text on the Christmas traditions and answer the question: How do people call Santa Claus in different countries?
There are some words and word combinations that you need during reading of the text.
(Internet Explorer→ www. merry- Christmas.com→ "Christmas Stories and Traditions” → "The History of Santa Claus”)
VIII. Speaking.
---How do people call Santa Claus in Italy?
-------- in Belgium?
------- in Germany?
--------- in Sweden?
--------- in Hawaii?
--------- in Chile?
--------- in France?
-------- in Japan?
-------- in Russia?
IХ. Conclusion. Evaluation. Home task.
Today we did a good job. You've learned a lot about the history and traditions of Christmas. You met with the new site addresses, where everything is about Christmas. In conclusion, let's sing the song "Jingle Bells».

Task 1. Grammar.
Read and correct mistakes.

Dear Santa Claus!

How are you? I hope you are good. I’m fine, because it’s Christmas
time in our country and I enjoy myself very many. That’s why I want you
to give me as much presents as you can. I want to get much new toys,
new PC and much new collections of video games. Besides I want to have
many money so I could go to the North Pole to meet you.

Task 2.
Read the words:
Jesus Christ [ dzezэz kraist]---Иисус Христос
throughout [Өru: aut]---повсюду
Christians [kristsәn]---христиане
the Bible [baibl]---Библия
shepherd [sepәd]---пастух
appear [ә piә]---появляться
savior [seiviә]---спаситель
Bethlehem [biӨliэm]---город Вифлием
stable [steibl] ---конюшня
Virgin [vә:dzin]---Дева

Task 3.
Listening Comprehension.
Christmas is a Christian holiday that celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ. For millions of Christians throughout the world it is the happiest and the busiest time of the year. No one knows the exact date of Christ’s birth but most Christians celebrate Christmas on December, 25. The Christmas story comes from the bible. It tells us an interesting story of shepherds who were watching their sheep when an angel appeared to them. He told them that a Saviour had been born in Bethlehem. The shepherds went there to see Jesus.
The baby Jesus was born in a stable. His mother was Virgin Mary and his father was Joseph. The Bible tells us how the Wise Men followed a star until it led them to Jesus. The Wise Men gave Jesus many gifts. Because of the birth of Jesus Christ, the Christians celebrate Christmas.

Task 4.
Do the test.
1. Whose birth do Christians celebrate on December,25?
a) Santa Claus
b) King Arthur
c) Jesus Christ
d) Robin Hood
e) Queen Mary
2. Where does the Christmas story come from?
a) the legend
b) the history of the American nation
c) the fairy-tale
d) the Bible
e) the book
3. Who was the first to see the birth of Jesus?
a) the hunters
b) the travelers
c) the woodmen
d) the soldiers
e) the shepherds
4. Who was Jesus Christ’s father and who was his mother?
a) Virgin Mary and Joseph
b) Virgin Mary and Jack
c) Saint Mary and Joseph
d) Saint Mary and Jack
e) Virgin Mary and Saint Joseph
5. What city was Jesus Christ born in?
a) Hopenhem
b) Bethlehem
c) Sethlehem
d) Vethlehem
e) Gopenhem
Категория: Уроки | Добавил: Oxa (21.02.2013) | Автор: Ананьева Оксана Николаевна E
Просмотров: 1571 | Комментарии: 1 | Рейтинг: 0.0/0
Всего комментариев: 1
1 almagulziadina  
Очень содержательный и эффективный урок. Планируя его, учитель, думаю, успешно достиг решения двух основных практических целей - умения говорить и понимать английскую речь. Для этого применила на уроке ИКТ, использовала различные виды работ: повторение грамматики, чтение текста, выполнение теста, аудирование.

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